Fans of the Final Fantasy series are in for a bit of a surprise with the latest installment, Rebirth. Unlike its predecessor, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Rebirth won’t be receiving any downloadable content (DLC). But this isn’t just a random decision; there’s some thoughtful reasoning from the director behind it.
When Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was launched, there was a buzz among fans, eagerly hoping for some DLC announcements, similar to what they got with Remake. However, director Naoki Hamaguchi has put those speculations to rest. In an interview with the Daily Star, Hamaguchi addressed the situation, clearly stating that there wouldn’t be any DLC this time around. He explained, “We definitely hear the fans wanting that kind of thing,” acknowledging the demand for additional content. “I get it, I really do. But, in my view, what fans are really eager for is not more DLC but seeing the next chapter of the series as soon as possible.”
He went on to emphasize the team’s focus, “That’s why we’ve decided to channel our development resources into accelerating the release of the third game rather than producing extra episodes for DLC right now. We’re dedicating our time to push the third game out swiftly.” It’s a decision that seems fair, considering the broader picture!
Previously, the Yuffie-focused DLC for Remake served as a nice bridge between games. Speculation about potential solo adventures for characters like Cid and Vincent Valentine from Rebirth is tempting to consider. However, it’s uncertain what those would entail. Besides, for Vincent Valentine aficionados, there’s always a glimmer of hope for a Dirge of Cerberus remaster similar to the Crisis Core: Reunion. Keep those fingers crossed, Dirge enthusiasts!
On a lighter note, our Dom caught up with Hamaguchi recently to discuss his plans for mini-games in the much-anticipated third installment. The good news is, there are plans to revamp a few things, so stay tuned for that!