Last week marked a significant moment in gaming as CD Projekt Red unveiled the cinematic trailer for “The Witcher IV,” the latest addition to their renowned dark fantasy series. Stepping away from the legendary Geralt of Rivia, this new saga shifts focus to his adopted daughter, Ciri, who takes the lead as the witcher protagonist.
Following this thrilling announcement, I had the chance to sit down with some of the key developers at CD Projekt Red. We dived deep into the trailer and discussed the studio’s vision of introducing Ciri as the new leading figure, respecting the legacy of the series while boldly venturing into unexplored territories.
### A New Era with Ciri
The trailer sets the scene in the northern village of Stromford, a secluded place shrouded in mystery. We witness a local tradition where a young woman, Mioni, is offered as a sacrifice to a lurking monster. Amidst this tense atmosphere, Ciri emerges, showcasing her evolution—she’s older, more formidable, and wields both steel and silver swords.
Philipp Weber, the Narrative Director of The Witcher IV, reveals that the game takes place several years after “The Witcher 3.” While the specifics of Ciri’s journey to this moment remain a mystery, the trailer gives us a glimpse of her mutated eyes—a clear sign of her undertaking the Trial of the Grasses, making her a full-fledged witcher.
Fans of “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” and Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels will recognize Ciri as an established character, not merely a sidekick to Geralt. She’s a strong, multidimensional protagonist ready to forge her own path. And while The Witcher IV will honor the multiple endings of its predecessor, Weber assures us that player choices will continue to shape this new adventure.
### Contrasting Characters: Geralt and Ciri
The developers are keen to highlight the contrast between Geralt and Ciri. While Geralt is known for his impartiality and established moral code, Ciri is driven by personal motivations, often choosing more aggressive paths.
Weber explains, “Geralt has built his code over years of experience. Ciri, on the other hand, is still discovering her own principles and how she deals with life’s challenges.” This is evident when Ciri ventures into the forest, urging Mioni to escape danger, only to find that the locals fear her presence despite her good intentions.
Game Director Sebastian Kalemba describes Ciri as “passionate, determined, and deeply engaged in the narrative.” However, despite her efforts and a fierce battle against a monstrous Bauk, the tragic fate of Mioni starkly illustrates the harsh realities of The Witcher IV’s world—a place where even well-intended actions can lead to unforeseen consequences.
Weber reflects, “Ciri’s a fighter; she doesn’t accept fate as given. She fights back, which is sometimes the right choice.” This determination is mirrored in Mioni’s fate, which could have been Ciri’s own if she hadn’t resisted her predetermined path.
Ciri’s complex backstory adds depth to her character, making her perfect for a narrative rich with tough choices and their consequences, set in The Witcher’s daunting universe. “Ciri’s not without flaws—she carries darkness, has made mistakes, but also possesses immense strength. That blend makes her a compelling character for storytelling,” Weber adds.
Geralt’s influence on Ciri isn’t overlooked, either. The game will weave in choices that might echo Geralt’s thinking, highlighting the lessons Ciri learned from her time with him. “There’s a lot of Geralt in Ciri’s decision-making,” notes Weber. Kalemba further explains that Geralt also gained insights from Ciri, which will reflect in these choices.
### A Look Ahead
“The Witcher IV” represents both an evolution and a new beginning for the series. While long-time fans can expect references and lore they adore, the game aims to welcome newcomers as well. CD Projekt Red teases that Geralt will return, though his role is yet to be unveiled.
As the franchise moves forward almost a decade after “The Witcher 3,” CD Projekt Red acknowledges the lessons learned and embraces the opportunity to captivate a new generation of players. Kalemba highlights this fresh start, “With Ciri as the main character, newcomers will find it’s a great entry point. There will be new territories, but the essence of the beloved dark fantasy world remains intact.”