Dreams on a Pillow sets the stage for a poignant video game journey, unraveling the harrowing tales of the 1948 Nakba. This catastrophic event uprooted around 700,000 individuals, forcing them from their homes and lands amidst the waves of Zionist occupation.
Crafted by Palestinian developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh, the game breathes life into what he calls a “pseudo-3D stealth adventure.” At its core, it’s about land turning into a land without people. But to truly appreciate his new work, we must first look back at his impressive earlier project.
Back in 2016, Abu-Eideh introduced the world to Liyla and the Shadows of War. This gripping game captured the turmoil during Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, an offensive labeled Operation Protective Edge. The narrative follows a young Palestinian girl and her family as they navigate the perilous landscape of their war-torn neighborhood. It’s a succinct yet profoundly moving experience, amalgamating elements of platform games and choose-your-own-adventure storytelling. Notably, in 2021, Liyla contributed to an Indie Bundle Pack, garnering nearly $900,000 to support Palestinian relief efforts through UNRWA USA.
Today, you can download Liyla and the Shadows of War for free on mobile devices and Windows. However, when it first appeared in 2016, it faced roadblocks on the Apple App Store. Due to its political content, Abu-Eideh was initially instructed to strip the game of its “Game” label, rebranding it as “News” or “Reference.” This sparked a backlash, highlighting the inconsistency: while Eurogamer pointed out the oversight, Apple was concurrently hosting a game called Israeli Heroes in the same category. After Abu-Eideh took to social media with his grievances, Apple eventually relented, letting Liyla be recognized as a game.
Turning back to Dreams on a Pillow, this ambitious project is currently in the crowdfunding phase on LaunchGood, with the campaign running until January 13. The resources amassed will fuel asset creation, outsourcing, and team salaries for Abu-Eideh and his dedicated crew of nine. If all goes according to plan, players can expect to explore this compelling narrative in the last quarter of 2026.