With the gaming world abuzz with rumors and whispers, Nintendo fans are eagerly awaiting official word on the successor to the Switch. Although nothing has been formally announced, the air seems thick with anticipation, fueled by leaks hinting at a 2025 release for what many are calling the “Nintendo Switch 2.” As with any rumor mill, it’s wise to maintain a healthy skepticism. Still, it seems likely the new console will boast significantly upgraded hardware. However, dazzling specs are only part of the equation when launching a new gaming system.
While Nintendo has yet to confirm any launch titles for the Switch 2, speculation is rife about which beloved games could return alongside the console’s debut. If even a couple of these rumored titles make the cut, the Switch 2 might just deliver a knockout first impression.
When you think of Nintendo, family-friendly fun comes to mind. This ethos has been central to Nintendo’s identity long before even the original Nintendo Entertainment System took the world by storm. Although the company isn’t shy about hosting more mature content, their consoles are marketed primarily as all-ages entertainment centers—especially in their formative marketing phases.
This broadly inclusive strategy has allowed Nintendo to build an extensive fan base, often securing record-breaking sales figures for their devices. Appealing to families is critical in the run-up to a new console’s launch as getting families on board can drive early and sustained success.
Traditionally, Nintendo rolls out its consoles alongside a flagship Super Mario game. Leveraging Mario’s vast global appeal acts like a seal of approval, assuring parents that this is the console their kids will love. Rumor has it that a new 3D Mario adventure is ready for the Switch 2’s launch, and that would undoubtedly capture the attention—and affection—of families everywhere.
On the flip side, veteran gamers are also key to a successful launch, as they tend to be keen early adopters. Enter Metroid Prime 4: Beyond—a title that had fans guessing for years until its dramatic re-reveal in June 2024. The chatter around it possibly launching with the Switch 2 has fans excited.
If Metroid Prime 4 does indeed hit the shelves at the same time as the Nintendo Switch 2, it would beautifully complement the family-friendly draw of a Mario release. This dynamic duo would offer something for all gamers, from the youngest Mario enthusiasts to the seasoned Metroid veterans who have long awaited Samus Aran’s next chapter. Having both games at launch could make the marketing team’s job a breeze, signaling a strong start for Nintendo’s latest venture.