Fans of the Civilization series, it’s time to get excited. It’s been quite a while since Civilization 6 came out, almost a decade in fact, but the long wait is drawing to a close. Firaxis, the game developer, has just announced some thrilling news: Civilization 7 has “gone gold.” This essentially means that the game is now complete and ready for its February 11 release.
Now, if you’re not quite up-to-date with gaming lingo, “going gold” signifies that a game is all set for its debut. Nonetheless, if you’ve been a fan of Civilization for some time, you know that this milestone is just the beginning for Civilization 7.
### A Look Back at Civilization 6’s Expansions
Civilization 6 made its debut on PC back in October 2016, and its post-launch journey kicked off almost immediately. From December 2016 to October 2017, six different DLC packs were rolled out. Each brought at least one new Civilization and Leader, themed scenarios rooted in history, and sometimes a few new Wonders.
In February 2018, the game received its first major expansion, “Rise and Fall,” introducing mechanics like Loyalty and the intriguing Dark Age feature. A year later, “Gathering Storm” arrived, an expansion that introduced a complex climate system and reprised the Diplomatic victory condition.
By May 2020, the “New Frontier Pass” emerged, offering nine new Leaders, eight new Civilizations, and a variety of new game elements spread across ten months. In November 2022, a second Pass came out, adding even more Leaders. Civilization 6 wrapped up its paid content with a final DLC in March 2023, nearly seven years after the game’s launch.
### Civilization 7’s DLC Plans
Looking ahead, it seems Civilization 7 will follow a similar post-launch strategy. Firaxis has already mapped out two distinct DLC passes. The game’s Deluxe Edition includes the “Crossroads of the World Collection,” featuring six unique DLCs with new Leaders, Civs, Wonders, and cosmetic items.
The Founders Edition goes a step further. Along with the Crossroads Collection, players will receive the “Right to Rule Collection,” another set of six DLCs mirroring the first in content. The Crossroads Collection will be fully available by March 2025, with the Right to Rule packs scheduled between April and September 2025, likely releasing a new pack each month.
Players who pre-order will gain early access to the Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack upon the game’s launch.
While Firaxis hasn’t detailed which Leaders or Civilizations we’ll see in these DLCs, fans are speculating. Some expect Middle-Eastern Civs like Babylon and the Ottoman Empire in the Crossroads packs, and others anticipate the British Empire and Aztecs for the Right to Rule collection. However, these are guesses for now.
Regardless of who joins the game, the DLC announcements suggest that Civilization 7’s release is just the start of an epic journey, possibly extending as long as its predecessor’s nearly decade-long lifespan.
Sid Meier’s Civilization VII promises to elevate the series with groundbreaking new content. As players, you’ll have the chance to build an empire like never before, making strategic choices that craft your civilization’s unique cultural path. You can conquer or ally with others in this immersive world, whether playing solo or in the dynamic online multiplayer mode. Civilization VII offers the unique blend of historical accuracy and creative freedom, allowing players to write their own legacy that will resonate through the ages.