The upcoming installment of the Monster Hunter series, titled Monster Hunter Wilds, is set to launch on February 28. If you’re eager to dive into the world of monster hunting right now and snag some great deals, look no further than Fanatical’s latest offering. For just $25, you can grab the previous two titles—Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World—along with all their downloadable content. This bundle is packed with not only both games but also includes the Sunbreak expansion for Rise and the Iceborne expansion for World. As an added bonus, the Deluxe Kits are part of this deal, giving your hunter some snazzy in-game cosmetics to flaunt.
If you’re still on the fence and want to test the waters before committing, there’s a more thrifty option. You can purchase the base versions of both Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World for just $10.
Now, speaking of these two fantastic games, the main distinction lies in their multiplayer versus solo play dynamics. Monster Hunter World brings you face-to-face with other players frequently, creating a bustling multiplayer environment. On the other hand, Monster Hunter Rise offers a more tailored experience with separate hubs for solo adventuring and multiplayer action. Despite these differences, both games maintain the core loop of tracking down and hunting gigantic beasts, all so you can gather valuable components and upgrade your gear for the next big hunt.