IO Interactive, the renowned developer behind Hitman, has decided to end its association with Conor McGregor, the celebrated mixed martial artist. This announcement came through a Twitter post following a significant court ruling. McGregor was recently involved in a civil case concerning allegations of rape, which he lost, compelling IO to take action.
In the gaming sphere, where both reputation and integrity are paramount, IO Interactive emphasized that it could not overlook the consequences of the court’s decision. McGregor had made his presence felt in the Hitman universe through The Disruptor DLC, but IO’s priority remains maintaining its standing and values.
The studio’s official statement read, “Given the recent court ruling regarding Conor McGregor, IO Interactive has decided to immediately terminate its partnership with the athlete. We approach this situation with utmost seriousness and cannot disregard its consequences.”
Starting right away, IO Interactive has initiated the process of eliminating content featuring Conor McGregor from all their online storefronts. It’s a move that underscores the studio’s commitment to aligning its brand with the principles of respect and responsibility.