Now that Black Friday has arrived in full force, we’re witnessing some fantastic deals on top-notch laptops. Earlier this year, Microsoft rolled out its first batch of Copilot+ PCs, and we hailed the Surface Laptop 7, with its dynamic and efficient Snapdragon X chip, as the one to beat in 2024. Today, you can snag the highest-end configuration of the 13.8-inch Surface Laptop 7 (32GB/1TB) for a lower price than Apple’s latest M4 MacBook Pro. It’s available for just $1,549 at Antonline, making it $50 cheaper than the entry-level MacBook Pro with M4 (16GB/512GB).
### 🎃The Best Black Friday Deals🦃
#### The Surface Laptop 7 Shines as the Best Laptop of 2024
I was completely captivated by the Surface Laptop 7 when it launched back in June. I even dubbed it the pinnacle of laptop design. In terms of overall package and performance, it stood—and still stands out—as the top contender for 2024. Frankly, not even the newest MacBook Pro, which now carries a heftier price tag than the highest-end Surface Laptop 7, can surpass it.
This amazing offer includes the Snapdragon X Elite, 32GB of RAM, 1TB of SSD storage, and a stunning 120Hz 13.8-inch display, all for just $1,549. Such impressive deals aren’t a common sight. In comparison, the M4 MacBook Pro with only 16GB of RAM and 512GB of SSD will cost you $50 more. So unless you absolutely need that slightly superior mini LED display, why opt for the MacBook?
Since their debut, Copilot+ PCs have offered unmatched value, pressuring Apple to elevate its base RAM offering in the Mac to 16GB to keep pace with the Surface Laptop 7. But when you factor in that the top-end model with 32GB RAM is priced lower than an entry-level MacBook Pro, it’s hard to justify choosing anything other than the Surface Laptop 7 unless you’re specifically tied to macOS.
Beyond its specs, the Surface Laptop 7 is a stunner. It comes with an exceptional keyboard and a haptic touchpad that can rival, if not surpass, the Mac’s version. Plus, it offers a touchscreen—something I’d gladly pick over a mini LED display any day.