The PS Plus Premium/Deluxe version of Resident Evil Director’s Cut just got a sneaky update to improve the game experience. Gamers who were stuck with the less-than-ideal PAL version now have a reason to celebrate, as they can finally switch regions. This means they can play the superior NTSC version that’s usually available in the Americas.
Sony continues to make strides in enhancing regional flexibility for PS Plus classic games. When this issue first came to light back in 2022, it was evident that PAL versions of older games suffered from slower speeds and poorer frame rates compared to their NTSC versions. This left players in some areas with a subpar gaming experience. Sony had promised to address this by offering NTSC options where feasible, and they’ve stayed true to that commitment.
The newest classic to benefit from a patch is Resident Evil Director’s Cut, as highlighted by Reddit user the_andshrew.
If you’re not a PS Plus Premium member and have been eagerly waiting for the NTSC update, you can now simply purchase it separately from the PS Store. For those who bought the game on classic platforms like the PS3, PSP, or Vita, there’s good news—you are eligible for a free upgrade, provided it’s available. Just log in and check the game’s page on the PS Store, where you should receive an automatic notification if you can download it for free.