According to figures from Amazon US, sales of Quest headsets during Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2024 didn’t quite hit the highs of 2023. Last year, around this time, about 170,000 headsets made their way into homes, but this year that number dipped to approximately 146,000, marking a notable 14% decrease. It’s important to note, though, that this data might not reflect the entire retail market.
What’s intriguing about this dip is that Meta had quite the attractive lineup this year. They recently introduced the new Quest 3S, slashed the price of the Quest 3, and even launched a high-profile game, “Batman: Arkham Shadow,” just in time for the shopping frenzy.
Back in 2023, during the holiday season, Meta was still offering the older Quest 2 model. They sweetened the deal by pricing the popular 128GB version at $250, along with a $50 gift card, effectively bringing the cost down to a cool $200.
That offer seemed to resonate more with consumers compared to this year’s attempt. Meta’s current offer features the Quest 3S (128GB) for $300, bundled with a $75 gift card, effectively making it a $225 purchase.
While there’s not a huge difference in price, the Quest 3S offers significantly better value for the extra $25. However, price isn’t everything. Other factors like the state of the economy, competing deals, and the general interest in VR can all impact sales.
Interestingly, when looking at the sales ratio between the Quest 3S and the Quest 3 during this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it mirrored last year’s 3:1 ratio seen between the Quest 2 and Quest 3.