Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom is an intriguing puzzle game that brings a fresh twist to the genre. Crafted by indie developers Shatterproof Games, this game puts players in the shoes of Aarik, a young prince dealing with quite a load—his father’s debilitating illness, the mystery of his mother’s absence, and a kingdom in disrepair. With the aid of his father’s regal crown, Aarik ventures through vibrant, isometric levels where the world shifts and turns to uncover hidden ways forward.
As Aarik progresses, he collects colorful crystals, each granting unique powers to aid in his quest. These four distinct crystals let him perform wonders—from reversing time to reconstruct broken paths, relocating imposing towers, to commanding mechanical allies to solve intricate puzzles. Such abilities add a delightful complexity to the game, breaking it into memorable segments as you explore.
Everything about Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom radiates a cozy charm. With a relaxing ambiance, gentle music, and pleasing visuals, it invites players to enjoy straightforward puzzles designed to play with perspective without overwhelming. Developer Shatterproof Games aims for a game that’s both soothing and engaging. In my time with the game—roughly a two-hour adventure—I was never left scratching my head.
That’s not to say the journey is free from bumps. Some of Aarik’s powers occasionally misbehaved. The robot control ability might cut out unexpectedly, telekinesis requires precise alignment to fit blocks into place, and the time-rewind feature could be overly picky with its spatial judgments. While these hiccups weren’t deal-breakers, they were noticeable enough to slightly impact the overall enjoyment.
All in all, Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom offers a charming escape that you can finish in one sitting. Its delightful visuals and soothing soundtrack make for a quaint adventure that remains engaging without wearing out its welcome. Though the crystal abilities spice things up, they come with their quirks, adding a touch of frustration to an otherwise relaxing experience.
This review is based on a retail copy of the game provided by the publisher. After considering the game’s engaging premises and slight issues in gameplay, I’d rate it a 6/10. While it shines brightly with its calming puzzles, the short duration combined with some finicky gameplay elements slightly tempers the magic.