Once upon a time, there was a fantastic card-drafting game called 7 Wonders. The drafting mechanic, where players select a card and pass the rest, doesn’t work as well with just two players since it becomes predictable. To address this, a two-player version was created, named 7 Wonders Duel. This version cleverly adjusted the drafting process by mixing face-up and face-down card selections, and it became a hit. This popularity led to a new Tolkien-themed version: Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-Earth.
### What’s in the Box
As you’d expect, the main component in the box is cards. These aren’t just any cards, though—they’re beautifully illustrated with scenes from Middle-earth. Some even form larger panoramic pictures, although collecting an entire set while playing is unlikely. Each card has a colored top bar indicating its type and various symbols that show what the card can do for you and what you need to obtain it.
For those new to this version, the game also includes other components to track the current state of play. There’s a mini Middle-earth map where players place charming little wooden army and castle figurines. A lovely feature is the ring track, with a plastic slider showing hobbits at one end and a plastic ringwraith at the other, illustrating the journey towards Mount Doom.
The set also features punch-out cardboard pieces, including stacks of shields for neutral Middle-earth factions players might ally with, indicated by icons that show rewards on the other side. Numerous gold coins round out the pieces, and there’s a tile for each region indicating what fortress can be built there, plus its costs and rewards.
### Rules and How It Plays
7 Wonders Duel simulated drafting by setting up a pattern of overlapping face-up and face-down cards across three rounds. This exact layout is replicated here, except instead of rival civilizations, one player is the dark lord Sauron, and the other represents the free people of Middle-earth. You can’t pick or flip a face-down card until the cards below it in the pyramid have been cleared. This decision-making process adds a layer of tension, as you want to restrict options for your opponent while optimizing your strategy.
A significant part from its predecessor that remains is that the game flow will feel familiar to those who’ve played 7 Wonders Duel. Early cards are free, making it easy to start building your tableau. However, as the game progresses, stronger cards will require specific skills or symbols from cards you own. If unaffordable, you can compensate with gold or discard cards in exchange for gold.
### Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-Earth Info
– Players: 2
– Ages: 10+
– Play time: 30 mins
You’ll quickly find yourself wondering whether to focus on certain skills to facilitate getting similar cards or maintain a more general approach. There’s no definitive answer, as it depends on card availability and the order they appear. The tactical challenge lies in knowing when to commit to either approach. Flipping face-down cards becomes quite exciting when they’re potentially critical to your strategic chain. There’s nothing worse than unintentionally helping your opponent acquire a vital card due to your previous moves.
Beyond cards that enhance your economy, there are those that advance your victory conditions. Here, this game introduces clear differences from its predecessor. Achieving ring symbols progresses you on the ring track, potentially leading to an instant victory. Green cards ally you with factions like Elves or Ents, with a win for collecting six unique symbols and bonuses for duplicates. Red cards allow placing armies on the Middle-earth map, displacing rivals. If you conquer all seven regions, you win; otherwise, control of the most regions when the stack is depleted decides the winner.
Each victory condition is cleverly designed to become attainable by the third round. Most games will have you close to winning with at least one of these conditions, ensuring the finale is electrifying each time. This thrilling build-up grants the game an epic feel, despite its simplicity and quick gameplay.
However, after a while, it’s easy to question how much is luck versus skill. As mentioned, revealing a needed card can decisively influence the outcome. Despite the impact of your decisions, the game stays tight because missed opportunities are usually available to your opponent. The game’s climactic nature asks whether your choices were truly influential or if luck carried more weight. Still, designing engaging games often involves randomness, which this game cleverly obscures.
### Quote
“Play builds towards a truly thrilling climax almost every time.”
One significant addition is the fortress feature, adding another strategic element. At any point, there are three available fortress tiles out of seven possible, each serving as a space in the map. Costly in terms of skills and gold, they offer considerable benefits. Rewards align with the core mechanics, like advancing free ring spaces via specific fortresses and securing undefeatable army placements. Fortresses are pivotal for controlling map spaces and managing card drafts to limit revealing unwanted choices.
Interestingly, despite the striking card art and references to Tolkien’s universe, the game doesn’t fully capture the trilogy’s essence. Collecting ring cards is nothing like the perilous journey in the books, and there’s no unique association between factions and their benefits. Worse yet, the game can feel thematically off, with examples like Sauron joining with the Elves or free people’s armies capturing Mordor, breaking the Tolkien narrative.
### Where to Buy
For those interested, you’ll find plenty of Lord of the Rings board games available to explore these realms further.