Hyoung Taek Nam, a character concept designer at Naughty Dog, recently found himself in the spotlight after his fan art depicting Eve, the main character from Stellar Blade, stirred up some controversy. The piece was shared on the game’s social platform, formerly known as Twitter, now referred to as X. Fans didn’t hold back, calling the portrayal “ugly” and “revolting.” In light of these reactions, Shift Up, the developers behind Stellar Blade, decided to showcase more of Nam’s work.
Interestingly, Nam’s connection to Naughty Dog seems to add an extra layer to the debate. Naughty Dog, known for its realistic art style, sometimes attracts criticism from certain groups who see realism as being synonymous with so-called “woke” culture. As expected, this portrayal of Eve was no exception, drawing similar critiques.
Just a couple days after the initial release of the artwork, a fresh piece by Nam was shared by Stellar Blade’s social account. This new artwork presented Eve with softer, gentler features, contrasting the earlier depiction. Alongside the post, Nam and Shift Up addressed the prior criticism, embracing fan art and emphasizing the significance of different artistic styles.
“We’re thrilled to have Artist Nam Hyoung Taek reinterpret Eve for us again,” announced Shift Up. “We are very appreciative of this, and we’re always open to fan art that captures the spirit of his previous work.”
In a message accompanying the post, Shift Up further elaborated, “Fan art often carries more of the artist’s personal style than the original, which we find both important and enjoyable.”
Stellar Blade made its debut in April, available solely for the PS5. Since then, it has rolled out several updates, notably enhancements for the PS5 Pro and a crossover DLC with Nier: Automata.