Tango Gameworks, the renowned Japanese developer, is mulling over the possibility of creating a sequel to their 2023 release, Hi-Fi Rush. In an interview with IGN, Colin Mack, the head of the studio, expressed that while they are “considering” the idea of a follow-up, they aren’t quite ready to officially announce any concrete plans yet.
Mack shared, “We’re looking at a sequel in a positive light. However, we’re not quite at the point where we can definitively say, ‘This is our next move.’”
John Johanas, the director of Hi-Fi Rush, chimed in, explaining that the team holds a deep affection for the game, which opens up many doors for them. “Our team has a lot of love for Hi-Fi Rush, so we feel we have several options. Right now, we’re exploring different opportunities,” he noted.
In addition, project manager Kazuaki Egashira highlighted what sets Tango Gameworks apart — its relentless pursuit of crafting fresh experiences. Egashira remarked on the initial success of Hi-Fi Rush as a new IP but emphasized the need for evolution to avoid becoming obsolete. “Tango Gameworks is always about embracing new challenges,” he pointed out. “I hope to keep propelling our work forward in a way that prioritizes our developers and maintains our core passion.”