The Civilization series has established itself as a staple in the world of video games, with a history stretching back decades. Civilization 6, the latest installment, has been around since 2017, bringing with it a plethora of leaders and mechanics. Each leader comes with unique strengths and weaknesses that significantly affect their chances of success, particularly when different map types are in play.
One popular map type is Pangaea, characterized by a massive landmass shared by all civilizations, city-states, and barbarians. The shared terrain can lead to rapid crowding, often resulting in a more violent game than those played on more spread-out map types. Leaders with a focus on naval prowess tend to struggle on Pangaea, while those with military might and strong land units can excel.
Lady Six Sky: Build a Small But Defensible Empire
Lady Six Sky brings the Mayan civilization to life in Civilization 6. They thrive by keeping cities close together, resulting in smaller, tightly-knit territories compared to other leaders who favor expansive empires. This approach not only discourages territorial expansion through warfare but also allows for robust defense. Although Lady Six Sky might not dominate on a Pangaea map, the close-knit city bonuses enable players to pursue victories through Science, Culture, or Faith, focusing on peaceful prosperity while others bicker over resources.
Shaka: Improve Armies by Conquering New Territory
Shaka stands as a formidable force for those pursuing domination victories. With the ability to combine units into Corps and Armies earlier than others, the Zulu gain a significant combat advantage. The loyalty bonus from garrisoned units further ensures that newly conquered cities remain loyal. On Pangaea maps, these bonuses offer Shaka a strategic edge, enabling early conquests that can mitigate future threats as other civilizations rise in power.
Tomyris: Overwhelm Enemies With Hordes of Cavalry Units
Leading the Scythian Empire, Tomyris boasts a reputation for overwhelming adversaries with cavalry. Her unique ability to duplicate light cavalry units enables her to build a formidable army quickly, ready to strike opponents with speed and tenacity. This capacity to flood the battlefield with cavalry allows Tomyris to dominate or raid with agility, making her a daunting presence without oceans to buffer enemies from her reach.
Genghis Khan: Conquer the World With the Strongest Cavalry Around
Continuing the theme of cavalry excellence, Genghis Khan’s reputation as a world conqueror is well-represented in Civilization 6. Known for his exceptional cavalry units with additional combat strength, his leadership potentially sees enemies’ forces turned against themselves. Utilizing his diplomatic visibility through the Örtöö ability, Genghis Khan can determine the optimal moments to unleash his formidable cavalry against opponents on Pangaea.
Hojo Tokimune: Defend and Dominate the Coastline
Hojo Tokimune provides Japan with unique advantages in Civilization 6. By capitalizing on adjacency bonuses, his cities thrive in dense formations, leading to well-defended urban areas reminiscent of historical Japan. On Pangaea maps, his coastal strengths and resistance to natural disasters further bolster his cities against aggression, allowing players to focus on peaceful paths to victory.
Simón Bolívar: March Armies Across the Continent With Ease
Gran Colombia’s Simón Bolívar excels in military campaigns thanks to his units’ increased movement, even after promotions. This agility and speed across the map give Bolívar an advantage in both offense and defense, making him a formidable leader on Pangaea maps, where rapid response is crucial to maintaining power and expanding territory.
Chandragupta: Use Territorial Expansion Wars To Conquer The World
Chandragupta shines in territorial expansion, showcasing his legacy of unifying ancient India. His ability to declare Wars of Territorial Expansion provides a strategic path to domination, offering movement and combat bonuses that facilitate swift conquests. As players claim cities with diverse religions, India grows stronger, leveraging cultural diversity as a tool for expanding influence across the supercontinent.
Civilization 6 continues to captivate players with its depth and strategy, drawing on historical figures’ strengths to bring a specialized, engaging experience to each game.