Valve, the powerhouse behind PC gaming, has announced some changes to how season passes can be sold on Steam.
According to new rules on Steamworks, it’s now mandatory for developers and publishers to set a specific release date when they’re promoting upcoming content like season passes on the game’s store page. If they can’t “clearly communicate” when that content is expected to drop, Valve advises against selling it or taking pre-orders.
Developers and publishers do have some flexibility here—they’re allowed to provide a general release timeframe, like specifying a quarter, year, or season, in addition to a specific date for future content.
“As soon as you offer a Season Pass, you’re essentially making a promise about future content,” Valve emphasized.
“When you’re gearing up to launch a Season Pass, you’ll need to commit to a timeline for each release within the pass. This timeline is a commitment not only to your customers but also to Steam itself.
“If you’re not ready to clearly outline both the content for each DLC and when each will become available, then offering a Season Pass on Steam isn’t the right move.”