Xur has made his return to Destiny 2, bringing along a fresh lineup of exotic and legendary gear for players to discover this weekend. It’s a perfect opportunity for players to catch a break as Episode Heresy takes a pause between Acts, allowing time to gather weapons from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon.
Recently, Destiny 2 saw a new update from Bungie that addressed various bugs and gameplay issues. Notably, Trials of Osiris and Sundered Doctrine dungeons received the bulk of the adjustments. On top of that, some exotic gear such as the Speaker’s Sight and Blight Ranger underwent crucial changes.
This weekend, Xur is back and ready with an inventory packed with new gear for Destiny 2 enthusiasts. For details on his location, the exotic cipher quest, and a rundown of the exotic and legendary items available from February 28, 2025, keep reading.
Where is Xur?
Xur has now settled permanently in The Tower’s Bazaar area. No more need for players to hunt for him every weekend. Simply head towards Ikora and Hawthorne and look for the Ramen Shop; the alley right beside it is where Xur is hiding.
Destiny 2 Class Armor and Exotic Cipher
Xur remains a key source for the weekly quests, exotics, and legendary items. Completing his quests is essential for purchasing a second fated engram or for acquiring legacy exotic gear from the Tower kiosk. Players can earn a new cipher by completing strikes and winning either crucible or gambit matches, with bonus points for playing with clan members or completing more challenging tasks.
Xur’s Exotic Armor
Apotheosis Veil – Warlock Helmet
- Exotic Perk: Insatiable: Activate your Super to immediately regenerate health, melee, grenade, and Rift energy for you and nearby allies. After the Super ends, enjoy a temporary boost in melee and grenade regeneration.
- Stat Totals: The helmet has a total stat value of 65, with high mobility, which isn’t ideal for most builds.
Aeon Swift – Hunter Gauntlets
- Exotic Perks:
- Aeon’s Wrath: Quickly landing precision hits increases reload and weapon swap speeds.
- Foebreaker Chant: Stun a Champion or make quick precision hits on a powerful foe to mark them, boosting ally damage against them and providing grenade and melee energy to nearby Aeon Cult allies.
- Stat Totals: A balanced stat distribution with a total of 65, leaning heavily on resilience and discipline, providing a niche but not top-tier option.
- Exotic Perks:
- Actium War Rig – Titan Chest Armor
- Exotic Perk: Auto-Loading Link: Gradually reloads part of your Auto Rifle or Machine Gun’s ammo from reserves and boosts the airborne effectiveness of these weapons.
- Stat Totals: Offers a total of 67. While the overall roll is solid, most points are unfortunately allocated to mobility.
Xur Inventory Items
As Destiny 2 enters Year 7, Xur’s offerings have expanded with a more structured rank progression system, rewards, and focusing options beyond the staple exotic weapons and armor. His items include:
- Prospector Catalyst
- Graviton Lance Catalyst
- The Xurfboard (Skimmer Board Vehicle)
- Various exotic ciphers
- Enhancement Prisms and Cores
- Upgrade Modules
- Strange Gifts for one Strange Coin each
Xur’s Exotic Weapons
Xur has expanded his exotic weapon inventory. This weekend, he offers:
- Hawkmoon – Hand Cannon
- The Huckleberry – SMG
- Lord of Wolves – Shotgun
- The Wardcliff Coil – Rocket Launcher
Xur’s Destiny 2 Legendary Armor and Weapons
Xur also brings a range of legendary options at the cost of 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer. Items include:
- Farewell (Kinetic Sidearm)
- Nightshade (Energy Pulse Rifle)
- The Vision (Energy Sidearm)
- Seventh Seraph VY-7 (Energy Submachine Gun)
- Blast Battue (Heavy Grenade Launcher)
- Thin Precipice (Heavy Sword)
- Sword options: Crown-Splitter/Quickfang/Eternity’s Edge
- Kairos Function Armor Set
Each week, Xur’s presence breathes life and excitement into Destiny 2, offering players both new and veteran a chance to expand their collection and enhance their gaming experience. Whether you’re chasing that elusive piece of exotic armor or simply looking to fill in some blanks in your gear collection, don’t miss out while Xur’s still around!